美国Melissa & Doug 9200 野生动物


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谁在丛林里?抓住和转动皱褶,看动物吃,玩,清洁牙齿,上床睡觉!Melissa & Doug K的孩子们的布料书给孩子的第一本书带来了惊人的质量和游戏价值。每一个都充满了低技术,高影响力的新奇,并持久地建造,通过故事时间,播放时间,洗衣机,也!

Melissa & Doug 9200 Wild Animals

Manufacturer Part Number: 9200
Who’s in the jungle? Grasp and turn the crinkly flaps to see the animals eat, play, clean their teeth, and go to bed! Melissa & Doug K’s Kids cloth books bring amazing quality and play value to a child’s first books. Each one is packed with low-tech, high-impact novelties, and durably constructed to last through story time, play time, and the washing machine, too!


Weight0.39 kg